As a country, we all have football in our blood; Martine Rose is no different “but truth be told it’s the culture not the game itself that interests me” and the submerging of this hooligan culture with dance music is the foundation of this collection.
The focus this season is on the clothes and the characters who wear them, and the narratives they conjure. Red leather pants, a nylon shirt, a quilted jacket; multicolour strip shirts, baggy jeans, loafers, practical coats, baggy popper tracksuit bottoms, tight neon roll necks, baggy blazers; chaps and a sleeveless fleece. It draws from any combination of people from different style tribes – i-D
Martine introduces mix-and-match into AW21 and doesn’t shy away from the kinky and subversive materials from leather, velvet to snakeskin, making it playful with a tinge of bad taste. Her previous styles, have been predominantly created under menswear but this seasons share of garments are suited towards the Martine Rose woman.
You don’t have to be a diehard football fan to appreciate Martine Rose’s take on the style and culture that surround the sport. Chaps certainly aren’t the first thing to come to mind when one thinks of football. But Rose’s spot-on styling and her engaging fusion of high- and low-brow culture make you wonder, “Why not?” After all, the Martine Rose man and woman look like they’re having all the fun. - Vman
Martine Rose stocked at htown online