Last week htown was delighted to be host to Holiday Club's zine launch celebration. ‘The Origins’ is Holiday Club's 2nd zine since its conception in 2019. It features interviews and creative projects from Saul Nash, Priya Ahluwalia, Elgar Johnson, Lulu Kennedy, M1 On The Beat, Taiba, The Flag Twins, Gary Gill, August Agency, Lzee, Hasani, Preye Crooks and Offspring.
Holiday Club, led by Bisoye Babalola BEM, works to provide a platform for, and develop the next generation of creative talent. Focussing on beauty, fashion, production and communications, Holiday Club has connected a group of young people aged 16 - 25 with industry talent.
“I founded Holiday Club to support and provide a platform for the next generation of creative talent to understand the landscape of the fashion and music industry. Whilst working in collaboration with Nat Bury, Head of Arts and Culture, we spoke at length about the importance of Holiday Club’s second issue reaching and directing individuals looking to find inspiration and motivation in the ever-evolving world of fashion and music. We believe in the power of community, and this issue is a testament to that.” - Bisoye Babalola BEM
“It’s about access,” says Nat Bury, “These people have talent, so it’s about putting them in a space for that to be recognised.” Their free-to-attend ‘Summer School’ project provides workshops to give participants an opportunity to develop their creative practices with the support of experts on their chosen area. The culmination of their hard work is presented in the annual zine, created and produced by those involved in the workshops.
We’re extremely excited to be stocking this year’s zine The Origins.